
Showing posts from October, 2022

Production of Cyclohexanol from Cyclohexene

  Since reactive distillation was initially used on a broad scale to produce methyl acetate in the middle of the 1980s, interest in this integrated process has skyrocketed. This interest, both academic and industrial, has resulted in the production of numerous new bulk compounds using this process today. Among them are the gasoline ethers, of which MTBE (methyl-tert-butyl ether) is the most well-known and has the largest production volume installed globally. This is due to its usage as an anti-knock gasoline additive, which has allowed it to be a substitute for (lead) compounds in gasoline. However, as MTBE is non-degradable in groundwater, and the primary way of disposing of MTBE is into the environment, its use has been prohibited in several areas of the world today. Because the MTBE manufacturing processes and methyl acetate have been thoroughly explored and are well understood today, a novel reaction system is a common choice among academics and industries. The reaction system

Differentiating Between Cyclohexane and Cyclohexene

  Differentiating Between Cyclohexane and Cyclohexene Not everyone knows this, but organic compounds are formed by merging carbon atoms with other elements. Cyclohexane and cyclohexene are hydrocarbons composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon atoms. While one can categorize hydrocarbons as either aromatic or aliphatic, another categorization is saturated (alkanes) or unsaturated (alkenes and alkynes). In saturated hydrocarbons, all bonds between carbon atoms and hydrogens are single, whereas unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. Cyclohexene CAS 110-83-8 is less popular by usage than its alkane counterpart, which is why you have probably never heard about it. You can find its uses later in the piece. What is Cyclohexene? Cyclohexene is a cycloalkene having the chemical formula C6H10. It is identical to cyclohexane, except the ring has one double bond between two carbon atoms, making it an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Cyclohexene, as a liquid, i