Working With Cyclohexene? Then You Need to Read This


cyclohexene cas 110-83-8

Cyclohexene is usually synthesized. The most typical method is to take cyclohexanol (cyclohexane with an attached -OH group) and treat it with an acid. The cyclohexanol reacts with the acid and dehydrates, forming cyclohexene as a byproduct. It is vital to remember that cyclohexene is not long-term stable since it forms peroxides when exposed to light and air. Many different acids can be used to complete this dehydration reaction.

It is critical to understand that the only difference between cyclohexanol and cyclohexene is a water molecule, which is why this is regarded as a dehydration reaction.

Cyclohexene Applications 

Cyclohexene CAS 110-83-8 is used in oil extraction, to make other chemicals, and as a catalyst solvent. It is also found as a component of motor vehicle exhaust and used as an intermediate industrial chemical in the manufacture of tetrahydro benzoic acid, adipic acid, and malic acid.

How to Produce Cyclohexene

Cyclohexene is often formed through the (partial) hydrogenation of benzene and can be obtained by alcohol dehydration in a lab. Cyclohexene can also be obtained from fractional distillation.

Method 1: Benzene Hydrogenation and Light Oil Pyrolysis

An alcohol can be dehydrated to create an alkene in the presence of a strong acid. For cyclohexene, as an alcohol, any acid can be used. Phosphoric acid is a good example. The phosphoric acid acts as a catalyst, increasing the reaction rate while having no effect on the total stoichiometry.

Method 2: Fractional distillation

A fractional distillation device is used to carry out the reaction. Alkene and water are formed as the alcohol and acid are heated and co-distill into a collection container. As with any distillation, part of the product will be wasted due to hold-up in the apparatus. This can be prevented by introducing certain safeguards. Product yield would be diminished if there was a hold-up. 

To address this issue and ensure that the maximum quantity of product is distilled, a higher boiling "chaser" solvent is introduced to the distillation flask. The distillation is prolonged until the temperature reaches well above the boiling point of cyclohexene. At this point, it may be presumed that all of the product, along with some chaser, has been distilled into the collection vial.

Cyclohexene-Related Dangers

As a cyclohexene manufacturer, you should take several precautions to ensure safety when working with cyclohexene in a lab. One very vital thing to understand is that cyclohexene is extremely combustible. As a result, never work with cyclohexene near an open flame because it will quickly combust and ignite a fire.

When left exposed to air, cyclohexene can form peroxides which can cause dangerous explosions to the surroundings. 

Cyclohexene affects the human body in different ways. It intoxicates when inhaled and can irritate the eyes and skin on contact. Inhaling also irritates the throat and nose. Prolonged inhalation can cause dizziness, difficulty with muscle coordination, lightheadedness, collapse, and coma. 


Looking for pure cyclohexene? With Metadynea, you can get the purest cyclohexene CAS 110-83-8 – in different quantities. Metadynea Group specializes as both a cyclohexene manufacturer and supplier, producing pure cyclohexene with the help of catalysts that induce high selectivity. You can get more information here.


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